72 Manuais de identidade visual para baixar

Com certeza você já teve a curiosidade em saber como os manuais das grandes marcas são apresentados, por isso que o CriativeDG compilou uma lista de referência de manuais de identidade visual.

Lista de Manuais de Identidade Visual

  1. Natura Naturé Brand Book (PDF) 
  2. Dove Brand Book (PDF) 
  3. Carrefour Brand Book (PDF) 
  4. Nike Brand Book (PDF) 
  5. Adobe corporate brand guidelines (PDF) 
  6. Alberta corporate identity manual
  7. Apple identity guidelines (PDF) 
  8. Barbican identity guidelines (PDF) 
  9. BASF summary of corporate design policy (PDF) 
  10. Bath Spa University brand guidelines (PDF
  11. Berkeley identity 
  12. Best Buy brand identity
  13. Bitdefender brand guidelines 
  14. Boston University brand identity standards
  15. Boy Scouts of America brand identity guide (PDF) 
  16. British Council brand guidelines 
  17. British Rail corporate identity manual
  18. Carnegie Mellon brand guidelines
  19. Channel 4 identity style guides
  20. Christopher Doyle identity guidelines
  21. Cisco logo usage and guidelines
  22. Columbia College Chicago brand identity manual 
  23. Cornell University brand book
  24. Duke University style guide
  25. easyGroup brand manual (PDF) 
  26. Edinburgh City brand identity guidelines (PDF) 
  27. Esso Imperial Oil quick reference guide (PDF) 
  28. Facebook brand assets
  29. Good Technology brand identity guide
  30. Google visual assets guidelines
  31. Haas School of Business identity standards style guide (PDF) 
  32. Heineken company visual identity 
  33. IEEE brand identity guidelines
  34. Jamie Oliver FRV brand guidelines
  35. Kew Royal Botanic Gardens brand guidelines (PDF) 
  36. Liberty University brand identity policy
  37. Lloyd’s brand
  38. Macmillan identity guide
  39. MasterCard brand center
  40. Microsoft corporate logo guidelines 
  41. Mozilla Firefox branding
  42. NAMI identity guidelines
  43. National University of Singapore identity
  44. New York University identity and style guide
  45. NHS brand guidelines
  46. NYU-Poly identity style guide
  47. Ohio State University brand guidelines
  48. Ohio University brand standards
  49. Oregon State University brand identity guidelines
  50. Pacific University brand standards (PDF) 
  51. Pearson logos and style guides
  52. Penguin logo guidelines
  53. Princeton University graphic identity (PDF) 
  54. PRSA guidelines & logos
  55. Redfern brand identity guidelines (PDF) 
  56. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College style guide
  57. San Francisco International Airport identity program
  58. The Beano Comic brand guidelines (PDF) 
  59. Skype brand book
  60. The Scout Association brand guidelines (PDF) 
  61. The University of Texas brand guidelines
  62. University of Arkansas graphic identity style guide
  63. University of California brand guidelines
  64. University of Cambridge identity guidelines
  65. University of East Anglia brand identity guidelines (PDF) 
  66. University of Louisville brand graphics policy (PDF) 
  67. University of Northern Colorado identity style guide (PDF) 
  68. University of Wisconsin-Madison brand identity guidelines
  69. Vanderbilt University graphic standards
  70. Virginia Tech identity standards
  71. Walmart brand guidelines (PDF) 
  72. Yale University identity guidelines
