Com certeza você já teve a curiosidade em saber como os manuais das grandes marcas são apresentados, por isso que o CriativeDG compilou uma lista de referência de manuais de identidade visual.
Lista de Manuais de Identidade Visual
- Natura Naturé Brand Book (PDF)
- Dove Brand Book (PDF)
- Carrefour Brand Book (PDF)
- Nike Brand Book (PDF)
- Adobe corporate brand guidelines (PDF)
- Alberta corporate identity manual
- Apple identity guidelines (PDF)
- Barbican identity guidelines (PDF)
- BASF summary of corporate design policy (PDF)
- Bath Spa University brand guidelines (PDF)
- Berkeley identity
- Best Buy brand identity
- Bitdefender brand guidelines
- Boston University brand identity standards
- Boy Scouts of America brand identity guide (PDF)
- British Council brand guidelines
- British Rail corporate identity manual
- Carnegie Mellon brand guidelines
- Channel 4 identity style guides
- Christopher Doyle identity guidelines
- Cisco logo usage and guidelines
- Columbia College Chicago brand identity manual
- Cornell University brand book
- Duke University style guide
- easyGroup brand manual (PDF)
- Edinburgh City brand identity guidelines (PDF)
- Esso Imperial Oil quick reference guide (PDF)
- Facebook brand assets
- Good Technology brand identity guide
- Google visual assets guidelines
- Haas School of Business identity standards style guide (PDF)
- Heineken company visual identity
- IEEE brand identity guidelines
- Jamie Oliver FRV brand guidelines
- Kew Royal Botanic Gardens brand guidelines (PDF)
- Liberty University brand identity policy
- Lloyd’s brand
- Macmillan identity guide
- MasterCard brand center
- Microsoft corporate logo guidelines
- Mozilla Firefox branding
- NAMI identity guidelines
- National University of Singapore identity
- New York University identity and style guide
- NHS brand guidelines
- NYU-Poly identity style guide
- Ohio State University brand guidelines
- Ohio University brand standards
- Oregon State University brand identity guidelines
- Pacific University brand standards (PDF)
- Pearson logos and style guides
- Penguin logo guidelines
- Princeton University graphic identity (PDF)
- PRSA guidelines & logos
- Redfern brand identity guidelines (PDF)
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College style guide
- San Francisco International Airport identity program
- The Beano Comic brand guidelines (PDF)
- Skype brand book
- The Scout Association brand guidelines (PDF)
- The University of Texas brand guidelines
- University of Arkansas graphic identity style guide
- University of California brand guidelines
- University of Cambridge identity guidelines
- University of East Anglia brand identity guidelines (PDF)
- University of Louisville brand graphics policy (PDF)
- University of Northern Colorado identity style guide (PDF)
- University of Wisconsin-Madison brand identity guidelines
- Vanderbilt University graphic standards
- Virginia Tech identity standards
- Walmart brand guidelines (PDF)
- Yale University identity guidelines
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